Tuesday, August 31, 2010

In the Beginning...

Congratulations.  If you are the one person in the world who is reading this you have witnessed the creation of the Brazillionenth blog on the web.  Well played my friend.  The blame however goes directly to my friend Slick who inspired me to do this.  In fact, when I become rich and famous from this I expect you will all be entertained by a legal tussle between the two of us as the title was his idea to begin with.  Perhaps I will share my wealth, perhaps not.  In any event you should be entertained. 

"Are you not entertained"!  That was my best "Gladiator" voice by the way.  Get used to the movie quotes, happens a lot.  Back to the reason for the blog.  My buddy Slick mentioned I should write some of the various things I say and think down.  That is of questionable merit at best, a complete disaster at worst.  But being just narcissistic enough, and having many many opinions, some of them vaguely interesting and some with no particular value, I decided to go ahead and do it.  I've read that the average life span of a Blog is not long.  So if you are reading this in the year 2050, you are now getting a glimpse of life in 2010 and the mind of JS.  Well, maybe a few weeks of it anyway if I can muster that kind of commitment. 

Now, about the title.  Ever been in a bar, or social gathering where a few drinks may have lubricated the personal interactions and various topics are earnestly discussed, often with much vigor and passion?  Invariably, at the time anyway, significant portions of the worlds problems are fixed.  Yet, when cruel morning light is shone on the proceedings, those epiphany's are lost.  Perhaps it is the newest brain cells that die in the hangover, perhaps the solutions arrived at were garbage.  Unfortunately we will never know, because they are forgotten.  One is left with the vague feeling that if only he had written down the solutions last night, the world would benefit in new and wondrous ways.  I hope you can see where this is going.  My friend Slick thinks if we had only written this stuff down on a Bar Napkin, all would solved, fixed and corrected.  I think he's off his rocker.  Of course, I can't prove it at all because neither of us remembers.  Kind of like the seconds before the gunslingers draw their pistols.  Two squinty eyed cowboys wondering who is going to be right when the lead flys.  Ok, maybe not that dramatic but you get the point.

So I named this likely train wreck, "Notes From a Bar Napkin".  I'll just fire off whatever comes to mind and see where it leads.  Stay Tuned, or not...


  1. I am so looking forward to following this...-Slick

  2. Whoa, I'm among the elite few now. Wow... Actually, that was pretty easy.
