Monday, November 25, 2013

Coming soon was apparently a bit optimistic.  Is it possible to have a blog that is only “blogged” once a year?  I suppose it is possible, even as it is not interesting.  Meanwhile, check this out.

Weird isn't it?  And so strangely entertaining.  This is a great example of how interesting the internet is.  Without the internet, I would likely not even know this very strange person existed.  Actually, he may not be very strange at all outside the clown persona, but odds are he is.  It's also likely that nothing else I see him do will be as entertaining as the first time I watched this, but that's life a lot of times, isn't it?  Things first experienced often fail to live up to the initial emotions that they created the second time.  Probably too deep for a sad clown singing a current pop song but there you have it.

See you soon, maybe in a year.

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